The big mobile-phone reset-Microsoft bought Nokia’s mobile-phone business for $5 billion

Microsoft bought Nokia’s mobile-phone business for €3.8 billion ($5 billion). The American software company will also pay the Finnish firm €1.7 billion to license its patents, and lend it €1.5 billion.

Despite the fact that Microsoft Phone has received good comment and high satisfaction from its users since its release,the portion it occupies in the market still falls far behind Android and IOS. Now this huge software-started company finally decides to  start to launch a brand new  branch in mobile phone area.

Unlike electronic devices(which the new are always welcomed by public and hit the market quickly),operating system users always tend to have a more solid and less changeable using habit. By another saying is that  ,its not that easy to attract wider and different consumption groups even by a new well programmed system.

Faced such unexpected and cruel reality, microsoft made its bold yet reasonable decision.Nokia has many patents,and obviously M has seen the underlying value and potential market behind them.Buying Nokia is definitely a good way to promote its former product to the market considering the basic big number of fan/users of nokia phones.People may be  unfamiliar with a new operating system,but they are less reluctant   to accept a new one promoted by a familiar phone company.

In this case, we can see when an unexpected failure in a product promotion  comes up to a company, especially the failure comes more extrinsic and objective, usually affected by the limitation of preference and human choices,a way out could be a combination.Even from two different areas (software and hardware in this case ),as long as they have the chance to share the same consuming groups ,cooperation can be done to target an overlapping .This is a good way to transfer crisis when the problem lies in the environment instead of the production itself.

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